Third Party Management for a Self Storage Business FAQs

third party management for self storage

Effective management is the cornerstone of any successful self storage business. While owners often start with hands-on management, the complexities and demands of running multiple facilities can quickly become overwhelming. This is where third party management companies step in, offering expertise and resources that can transform operations, marketing, and customer service.

Understanding Third Party Management

Third party management involves outsourcing the operational, marketing, and customer service aspects of a self storage business to specialized companies. These companies bring a wealth of experience and industry-specific knowledge, allowing owners to focus on strategic growth and expansion.

Key Benefits of Third Party Management

Expertise in operations is one of the most significant advantages of third party management. These companies are adept at implementing efficient processes and utilizing advanced technology to streamline daily operations. Their marketing strategies are designed to increase visibility and attract tenants through a mix of digital and traditional advertising methods. Additionally, their customer service excellence ensures tenant satisfaction and retention.

Cost Structure for Self Storage Companies

Understanding the cost structure is crucial for evaluating third party management companies. Typically, fees are structured as a percentage of gross revenue, ranging from 5% to 10%. Additional charges may apply for marketing, maintenance, and technology services. Despite the costs, the return on investment (ROI) from improved operations and higher occupancy rates can be substantial.

Evaluating Management Companies

Selecting the right third party management company requires careful evaluation. Key criteria include their experience in the self-storage industry, reputation, technology capabilities, and ability to customize services to meet your facility’s specific needs. A proven track record of improving facility performance is also essential.

Marketing and Advertising Strategies 

Third party management companies employ a range of marketing and advertising strategies to attract tenants. Digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) advertising, and social media campaigns are combined with traditional methods like print ads and community events. Data analytics plays a crucial role in targeting potential customers effectively and optimizing marketing spend.

Transparency and Reporting 

Transparency in operations is vital for trust and accountability. Reputable third party management companies provide regular, detailed reports on financial performance, occupancy rates, and marketing efforts. Many offer real time data access through online dashboards, allowing owners to monitor their facilities’ performance anytime, anywhere.

Customer Service and Tenant Relations 

Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of successful self storage facilities. Third party management companies employ trained staff to handle tenant inquiries, manage move ins and move outs, resolve issues, and maintain positive tenant relations. Many also offer 24/7 customer support and use customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track interactions and improve service quality.

Mitigating Common Challenges 

Self storage facilities face several challenges, including maintaining high occupancy rates, managing maintenance issues, handling delinquent payments, and staying compliant with regulations. Third party management companies are equipped to address these challenges efficiently, minimizing operational disruptions and ensuring smooth facility operations.

Regulatory Compliance

 Compliance with local regulations and industry standards is critical for avoiding legal issues and maintaining a good reputation. Third party management companies stay updated on laws and standards through continuous education and industry association memberships. They implement standardized procedures and ensure all staff are trained in compliance requirements.

Third Party Management for a Self Storage Business: The Ultimate Guide to Success

Technology and Tools

 The use of advanced technology and tools is a significant advantage of third party management companies. They utilize property management software to streamline operations, CRM systems to enhance customer experience, and data analytics tools to make informed, data driven decisions. Automated billing and payment systems also contribute to operational efficiency and improved cash flow.

Scaling and Expansion 

Scaling and expanding a self storage business requires strategic planning and execution. Third party management companies provide valuable insights on market analysis, site selection, and facility design. Their established processes and marketing expertise can quickly stabilize new facilities, while operational efficiencies and cost saving measures support rapid expansion without compromising service quality.

Third Party Management for Self Storage Business

 Third party management for self storage businesses offers numerous benefits that can lead to significant growth and profitability. By leveraging the expertise, technology, and resources of specialized management companies, self storage owners can enhance their operations, marketing efforts, and customer service, ultimately achieving better financial performance and scalability.


What criteria should I use to evaluate and choose the best third party management company for my self storage facility?

Evaluate based on their experience in the self storage industry, reputation, technology capabilities, customer service approach, and financial transparency. It’s also important to look at their track record of improving facility performance and their ability to customize services to meet your specific needs.

How do third party management companies typically structure their fees and what should I expect to pay?

Fees are generally structured as a percentage of the gross revenue, ranging from 5% to 10%, with possible additional charges for marketing, maintenance, and technology. Some companies might also offer flat rate options or tiered pricing based on the size and performance of the facility.

What are the key benefits of using a third party management company for my self storage business?

Third party management companies offer expertise in operations, marketing, and customer service, which can lead to increased occupancy rates and revenue. They also provide advanced technology and streamlined processes, freeing business owners from day to day management tasks and allowing them to focus on growth and expansion.

How do third party management companies handle marketing and advertising for self storage facilities?

They use a combination of digital marketing strategies (SEO, PPC, social media), traditional advertising, and local community engagement to attract tenants. They leverage data analytics to target potential customers effectively and optimize marketing spend.

What level of transparency and reporting should I expect from a third party management company?

Expect regular, detailed reports on financial performance, occupancy rates, marketing efforts, and maintenance activities. Good management companies provide access to real time data through online dashboards, ensuring you can monitor your facility’s performance anytime.

How do third party management companies manage customer service and tenant relations in self storage facilities?

They employ trained staff to handle inquiries, manage move ins and move outs, resolve issues, and maintain positive tenant relations. Many also offer 24/7 customer support and use CRM systems to track interactions and improve service quality.

What are the common challenges in self-storage management that third-party companies can help mitigate?

Common challenges include maintaining high occupancy rates, managing maintenance issues, handling delinquent payments, and staying compliant with regulations. Third-party companies have the expertise and resources to address these issues efficiently, minimizing operational disruptions.

How do third party management companies stay compliant with local regulations and industry standards?

They stay updated on local laws and industry standards through continuous education and membership in industry associations. They implement standardized procedures and ensure all staff are trained in compliance requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues.

What technology and tools do third party management companies use to optimize operations and increase profitability

They use property management software, CRM systems, automated billing and payment systems, and data analytics tools to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and make data driven decisions that boost profitability.

How can a third party management company help scale and expand my self storage business?

They provide strategic guidance on market analysis, site selection, and facility design. Their established processes and marketing expertise can quickly stabilize new facilities, while their operational efficiencies and cost saving measures can support rapid expansion without compromising service quality.

Home » Third Party Management for a Self Storage Business FAQs

Basically, Just Do it.

In conclusion, third party management companies offer invaluable benefits for self storage business owners, from enhancing operations and marketing to ensuring regulatory compliance and excellent customer service. By leveraging their expertise and resources, self storage businesses can achieve sustainable growth and long term success.

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