Third Party Management for a Self Storage Business FAQs

Effective management is the cornerstone of any successful self storage business. While owners often start with hands-on management, the complexities and demands of running multiple facilities can quickly become overwhelming. This is where third party management companies step in, offering expertise and resources that can transform operations, marketing, and customer service.

Understanding Third Party Management

Third party management involves outsourcing the operational, marketing, and customer service aspects of a self storage business to specialized companies. These companies bring a wealth of experience and industry-specific knowledge, allowing owners to focus on strategic growth and expansion.

Key Benefits of Third Party Management

Expertise in operations is one of the most significant advantages of third party management. These companies are adept at implementing efficient processes and utilizing advanced technology to streamline daily operations. Their marketing strategies are designed to increase visibility and attract tenants through a mix of digital and traditional advertising methods. Additionally, their customer service excellence ensures tenant satisfaction and retention.

Cost Structure for Self Storage Companies

Understanding the cost structure is crucial for evaluating third party management companies. Typically, fees are structured as a percentage of gross revenue, ranging from 5% to 10%. Additional charges may apply for marketing, maintenance, and technology services. Despite the costs, the return on investment (ROI) from improved operations and higher occupancy rates can be substantial.

Evaluating Management Companies

Selecting the right third party management company requires careful evaluation. Key criteria include their experience in the self-storage industry, reputation, technology capabilities, and ability to customize services to meet your facility’s specific needs. A proven track record of improving facility performance is also essential.

Marketing and Advertising Strategies 

Third party management companies employ a range of marketing and advertising strategies to attract tenants. Digital marketing techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) advertising, and social media campaigns are combined with traditional methods like print ads and community events. Data analytics plays a crucial role in targeting potential customers effectively and optimizing marketing spend.

Transparency and Reporting 

Transparency in operations is vital for trust and accountability. Reputable third party management companies provide regular, detailed reports on financial performance, occupancy rates, and marketing efforts. Many offer real time data access through online dashboards, allowing owners to monitor their facilities’ performance anytime, anywhere.

Customer Service and Tenant Relations 

Exceptional customer service is a hallmark of successful self storage facilities. Third party management companies employ trained staff to handle tenant inquiries, manage move ins and move outs, resolve issues, and maintain positive tenant relations. Many also offer 24/7 customer support and use customer relationship management (CRM) systems to track interactions and improve service quality.

Mitigating Common Challenges 

Self storage facilities face several challenges, including maintaining high occupancy rates, managing maintenance issues, handling delinquent payments, and staying compliant with regulations. Third party management companies are equipped to address these challenges efficiently, minimizing operational disruptions and ensuring smooth facility operations.

Regulatory Compliance

 Compliance with local regulations and industry standards is critical for avoiding legal issues and maintaining a good reputation. Third party management companies stay updated on laws and standards through continuous education and industry association memberships. They implement standardized procedures and ensure all staff are trained in compliance requirements.

Third Party Management for a Self Storage Business: The Ultimate Guide to Success

Technology and Tools

 The use of advanced technology and tools is a significant advantage of third party management companies. They utilize property management software to streamline operations, CRM systems to enhance customer experience, and data analytics tools to make informed, data driven decisions. Automated billing and payment systems also contribute to operational efficiency and improved cash flow.

Scaling and Expansion 

Scaling and expanding a self storage business requires strategic planning and execution. Third party management companies provide valuable insights on market analysis, site selection, and facility design. Their established processes and marketing expertise can quickly stabilize new facilities, while operational efficiencies and cost saving measures support rapid expansion without compromising service quality.

Third Party Management for Self Storage Business

 Third party management for self storage businesses offers numerous benefits that can lead to significant growth and profitability. By leveraging the expertise, technology, and resources of specialized management companies, self storage owners can enhance their operations, marketing efforts, and customer service, ultimately achieving better financial performance and scalability.


What criteria should I use to evaluate and choose the best third party management company for my self storage facility?

Evaluate based on their experience in the self storage industry, reputation, technology capabilities, customer service approach, and financial transparency. It’s also important to look at their track record of improving facility performance and their ability to customize services to meet your specific needs.

How do third party management companies typically structure their fees and what should I expect to pay?

Fees are generally structured as a percentage of the gross revenue, ranging from 5% to 10%, with possible additional charges for marketing, maintenance, and technology. Some companies might also offer flat rate options or tiered pricing based on the size and performance of the facility.

What are the key benefits of using a third party management company for my self storage business?

Third party management companies offer expertise in operations, marketing, and customer service, which can lead to increased occupancy rates and revenue. They also provide advanced technology and streamlined processes, freeing business owners from day to day management tasks and allowing them to focus on growth and expansion.

How do third party management companies handle marketing and advertising for self storage facilities?

They use a combination of digital marketing strategies (SEO, PPC, social media), traditional advertising, and local community engagement to attract tenants. They leverage data analytics to target potential customers effectively and optimize marketing spend.

What level of transparency and reporting should I expect from a third party management company?

Expect regular, detailed reports on financial performance, occupancy rates, marketing efforts, and maintenance activities. Good management companies provide access to real time data through online dashboards, ensuring you can monitor your facility’s performance anytime.

How do third party management companies manage customer service and tenant relations in self storage facilities?

They employ trained staff to handle inquiries, manage move ins and move outs, resolve issues, and maintain positive tenant relations. Many also offer 24/7 customer support and use CRM systems to track interactions and improve service quality.

What are the common challenges in self-storage management that third-party companies can help mitigate?

Common challenges include maintaining high occupancy rates, managing maintenance issues, handling delinquent payments, and staying compliant with regulations. Third-party companies have the expertise and resources to address these issues efficiently, minimizing operational disruptions.

How do third party management companies stay compliant with local regulations and industry standards?

They stay updated on local laws and industry standards through continuous education and membership in industry associations. They implement standardized procedures and ensure all staff are trained in compliance requirements, reducing the risk of legal issues.

What technology and tools do third party management companies use to optimize operations and increase profitability

They use property management software, CRM systems, automated billing and payment systems, and data analytics tools to streamline operations, enhance customer experience, and make data driven decisions that boost profitability.

How can a third party management company help scale and expand my self storage business?

They provide strategic guidance on market analysis, site selection, and facility design. Their established processes and marketing expertise can quickly stabilize new facilities, while their operational efficiencies and cost saving measures can support rapid expansion without compromising service quality.

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Basically, Just Do it.

In conclusion, third party management companies offer invaluable benefits for self storage business owners, from enhancing operations and marketing to ensuring regulatory compliance and excellent customer service. By leveraging their expertise and resources, self storage businesses can achieve sustainable growth and long term success.

11 Tips to Master the Art of Efficient Storage Unit Loading

Loading your storage unit can be a daunting task, but with a little know-how, you can make the most of your space while keeping your belongings safe and organized. Here are some practical tips to help you load your storage unit like a pro:

1. Take Inventory and Prioritize

Before you start loading, take stock of all the items you plan to store. Make a mental note of what you’ll need immediate access to and set those items aside for later.

2. Choose the Right Unit

Select a storage unit size that suits your needs and consider whether a climate-controlled unit is necessary for protecting sensitive items from extreme temperatures.

3. Label Everything

Use clear and descriptive labels on each box to identify its contents. Make sure the labels are visible when stacked, so you can easily locate specific items later.

4. Start with Heavy Items at the Bottom

Create a solid foundation by placing heavier items at the bottom of the unit. This will help distribute the weight and prevent damage to fragile items.

5. Protect Furniture

Cover furniture with blankets or protective materials to safeguard against scratches and dents. Take extra care with delicate corners and surfaces.

6. Utilize Vertical Space

Couches can take up a lot of floor space. Save room by standing them on their sides, utilizing the vertical space instead. Remember to secure them properly to prevent tipping.

7. Load in Even Tiers

Arrange your items in horizontal tiers, aligning them with the back wall of the unit. This method maximizes space and ensures stability during loading and unloading.

8. Stack Carefully

As you build upward, stack lighter or fragile items on top of sturdier ones. Be mindful of the weight distribution to prevent toppling.

9. Fill Gaps and Empty Spaces

Make the most of your storage unit by filling any gaps between items. This prevents shifting during transportation and maximizes the use of available space.

10. Document with Photos

Take pictures of each tier or section as you load them. These visual references will help you remember the placement of items and simplify retrieval when needed.

11. Keep Essentials Accessible

If there are items you’ll require soon after unloading, place them in the last tier for easy access. This way, you won’t have to dig through everything to find what you need.

By following these practical tips, you can load your storage unit efficiently, ensuring your belongings are well-organized, protected, and easily accessible when the time comes. Happy loading!

Don’t have a storage to load up? The Storage Advantage has got you covered with a variety of different unit sizes and locations.

How to Storage Tech Guide: Keeping Your Gadgets Safe and Sound

Let’s face it, there are times when we need to bid farewell to our beloved tech gadgets and store them away. Whether it’s an overseas assignment, a temporary move, or simply a need to declutter, putting our tech equipment into storage is a decision we sometimes have to make. While it may not be the ideal solution, we can ensure our gadgets emerge from storage in top condition by taking a few precautions. So, let’s dive into this tech storage guide and get your devices ready for their temporary hibernation.

Step 1: Back Up, Back Up, Back Up!

Before you bid adieu to your computers, external hard drives, tablets, or mobile phones, it’s imperative to back up all your data. Utilize the wonders of cloud storage to ensure easy access to your files and a reliable backup option in case any mishaps occur during storage or transit.

Step 2: Safeguard Your Personal Information

While theft from self-storage units is rare, it’s better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your personal information. Before stowing away your devices, either wipe them clean of any confidential data once you’ve backed everything up or use robust data encryption to protect your sensitive information.

Step 3: Dust Off and Shine On

Dust is the arch-nemesis of delicate tech components. Before tucking your devices away, give them a thorough cleaning. Pay special attention to keyboards, notorious dirt magnets, and ensure they are grime-free. A clean start ensures a smooth comeback when you retrieve your gadgets.

Step 4: Pack Like a Pro

If you’re lucky enough to have the original packaging, it’s the ideal choice for safekeeping. If not, fear not! Wrap each item carefully in breathable padding (avoid plastic to prevent condensation), and place them snugly in sturdy cardboard boxes. Keep your gadgets cozy and secure.

Step 5: Embrace the Climate Control

Extreme temperatures and humidity are kryptonite to electronic equipment. Consider investing in a climate-controlled self-storage unit for long-term storage. While it may cost a bit more, it offers optimal protection for your precious tech. Take the time to compare storage prices and find the perfect fit.

Step 6: Label, Label, Label

In the spirit of future-proofing your tech retrieval process, don’t forget to label everything clearly. Take extra care to label cables—trust me, in six months’ time, you won’t remember which cable goes where. A little effort now will save you heaps of time and frustration later.

Step 7: Placement Matters

When it’s time to settle your tech into the storage unit, choose your spot wisely. Avoid placing boxes directly on the floor, as it can expose them to temperature fluctuations. If you can’t utilize stable furniture, consider using old wooden pallets as a makeshift platform. Elevating your tech boxes allows for better airflow and safeguards your equipment. Oh, and remember, avoid stacking heavy items to prevent potential crushing.

By following these tech storage tips, you’ll ensure the safety and security of your beloved gadgets and the valuable data they hold. Embrace the storage adventure with confidence and peace of mind. Happy storing!

For more insightful storage tips and solutions, visit TheStorageAdvantage Tips or if you’re looking to storage some tech, check out one of our many locations.

Working from Home? How a Self Storage Unit Can Boost Your Productivity

Are you one of the many people who have transitioned to working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Whether it’s a temporary arrangement or a permanent shift, having a dedicated and clutter-free workspace is essential for your productivity. If you’re struggling to create an efficient work environment at home, let us guide you through how a self storage unit can be the perfect solution.

Imagine this scenario: You have a spare room in your house that has become a dumping ground for all sorts of items. We’ve all been there, right? But now, it’s time to reclaim that space and transform it into a functional home office. With the help of a self storage unit, you can quickly declutter that spare room and make it suitable for your work-from-home needs.

Here are some quick steps to turn your spare room into a productive WFH space:

  1. Find a nearby self storage facility that offers affordable storage solutions. At The Storage Advantage, we’ve got you covered!
  2. Rent a storage unit that suits your storage requirements. This will provide you with the space you need to temporarily store the unused contents of your spare room.
  3. Declutter the room by safely storing away the items that you don’t currently need for your work. This will create a clean and organized space for your home office setup.
  4. Set up your new workspace with a desk, chair, and computer. Enjoy the freedom of a dedicated area where you can focus and be productive.

Voila! You now have a comfortable and clutter-free home office where you can excel in your work-from-home endeavors.

Renting a self storage unit to create space for your home office comes with a range of benefits. First and foremost, it allows you to declutter your living space, providing you with a more organized environment that promotes productivity. Additionally, you can use the storage unit to securely store important documents or excess stock, keeping them separate from your living and workspace.

But the advantages don’t stop there! Renting a self storage unit also offers you:

  • More space at home: By relocating non-essential items to a storage unit, you’ll have more room to breathe and enjoy your living space.
  • Enhanced organization: With a dedicated storage unit, you can easily categorize and access your belongings whenever you need them.
  • Protection from kids and pets: Valuable work materials or equipment can be safely stored away from curious little hands or mischievous pets.

If you’re in need of a reliable storage facility, look no further than The Storage Advantage. We offer a wide range of small, medium, and large storage units with multiple conveniently located offices. Plus, if you require storage space for your work vehicle or RV, we have you covered there too!

For more information on our affordable storage options, visit our website at Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a productive work-from-home experience. Reserve your storage space online today!

Summer Storage Tips: Safely Storing Your Belongings in a Self-Storage Unit

Relocating during the summer is a common occurrence, with over ten percent of Americans moving each year and 50% of those people move during the summer because of the convenience of not worrying about kid’s schooling and the benefit of no daylight savings. However, the heat of summer can pose challenges when it comes to storing your belongings in a self-storage unit. In this article, we will provide three simple tips to help you make the most of your self-storage experience during the summer season.

Protect Delicate Items from Heat

When storing items such as art, photographs, or leather articles that are sensitive to high temperatures and humidity, it’s crucial to take extra precautions. Opting for a climate-controlled storage unit is the best choice, as it helps maintain a stable environment. Additionally, consider selecting a storage unit on the first floor or near an elevator to minimize the distance you need to carry your belongings. Look for storage facilities that offer covered loading/unloading areas to provide shade during hot summer days or protection from sudden summer storms.

Secure Your Storage Unit in Advance

Summer is the peak season for moving and storage, leading to high demand for storage units. To ensure you secure a suitable unit at a reasonable price, it’s advisable to rent a storage unit ahead of time. Waiting too long might limit your options, potentially forcing you to settle for an expensive or inconvenient location. Consider reserving a unit a month in advance or holding it for a few days before your intended move-in date to guarantee availability.

Create a Detailed Inventory Map

Avoid the hassle of searching through all your stored items by creating a detailed map of your storage unit’s layout. Resist the temptation to simply unload everything without organization. By mapping out the placement of your belongings as you store them, you’ll save time and frustration when you need to retrieve specific items. This practice is particularly helpful if your storage unit lacks climate control, as it minimizes the discomfort of spending extended periods inside. With a well-designed map, you can quickly locate and access the items you need.


Access to a self-storage unit can be invaluable during the moving process. By implementing these summer storage tips, you can ensure the safety and convenience of storing your belongings in warm weather conditions. Remember to prioritize the protection of delicate items, reserve your storage unit in advance, and create a comprehensive map to streamline the retrieval process. Make your summer storage experience stress-free and secure by following these essential guidelines. Ready to store your belongings? Find the perfect storage space for your needs today.

    5 Tips When Choosing Your Container Storage Company

    Sometimes you need to find a storage unit to store your valuable or sentimental belongings but it might be hard to find a good one that’s going to keep your things safe. 

    Doing your research on storage container facilities now can save you the financial burden and the potential headache that not doing so could cause in the future.
    If you’re not sure what kind of research you should be doing when looking for the perfect storage container, here are 5 tips to keep in mind when choosing a storage container company that can help you along the way. 


    1. Do Your Research Before Renting

    Take advantage of the internet and be sure to look into the fine print of the storage units you’re looking into. Sometimes Storage Facilities will have really enticing offers, deals, or percentages off on their units, but they’re there just to lock you into a lengthy contract. Some other reasons a storage unit could have low pricing to watch out for could be smaller unit dimensions, or the different between being climate or non-climate storing.

    At The Storage Advantage, we have various locations so you’re bound to find a unit to fit your needs, and we don’t tie our customers into lengthy contracts. 

    2. Find Out Access Times and Charges for Access

    Be sure that there aren’t any unnecessary, miscellaneous fees associated to renting a storage unit or for accessing your items from the storage facility you’re looking into. Even small charges can add up to tens of wasted dollars over the period of your rental.

    Make sure that the access times are convenient for you. Many storage units aren’t open 24 hours a day. Keep in mind that the office hours might be different than the access hours as well, so if you have to contact someone about your unit, be sure those hours align with your schedule, too. 

    All of our The Storage Advantage locations are open everyday, 365 days a year, from at least 6am to 9pm. 

    3. Inspect the Site for Security and Safety

    The security of the storage facility should be one of your top priorities when searching for a future unit. Research the types of locks a facility uses and whether or not you can bring your own. Fences are incredibility important to avoid theft, including having a gates with a gate codes. Make sure that the location has good lighting in and around the facility as well as working CCTV cameras.

    This part of the research is probably best to do in person so you can get a better feel for the location and see what they offer for yourself. 

    At our facilities you get your own personal gate code in order to access your belongings, have security cameras, and keep our grounds well-lit and clean.

     4. Consider the Ease of Access

    Ease of access can mean many things and isn’t always just about getting to and from your unit. Some of those things are what the process of getting to your storage unit are, or what kind of convenience you’re looking for. Drive up units can make loading and unloading easy to store and grab things, while air conditioned units can make it easier to load and unload without breaking a sweat (or freezing, depending on the weather.) 

     5. Consider the Location of Your Facility

    Consider how far away the storage facility is from your home or business, especially if you plan on accessing the items regularly. This is especially important if you’re storing things for your business, over old heirlooms, for example.

    Many of our locations are located off of major highways. Come check if any of them are convenient for you. If you have any more questions, be sure to check out our FAQ page or our Storage tips page. 

    Should you need advice on self-storage with container storage rentals, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    The Best Way to Store Furniture in Your Unit

    couple putting tape on a box

    If you’re planning on moving or just looking to make more space in your home, storing at any of The Storage Advantage‘s locations can be a convenient place to keep your furniture. Storing furniture means you won’t have to worry about pests, damage, or theft, and you can keep the unit as long as needed.

    Before you can do that though, you’ve got to make sure all of your furniture is ready to be stored so it stays safe and clean. Not sure how to do that? Follow these tips and you’ll be a furniture-storing pro.

    STEP 1 : Preparing to Store your Furniture

    Good preparation of your items is really important, especially if you’re planning on leaving your items for a prolonged amount of time. Cleaning, disassembling, and packing your items correctly will help ensure you find them the same way to stored them. Here’s a list of things to remember to get in order to make storing a breeze.

    You Will Need:

    You’ll need a few packing materials before you get started. These items will keep your furniture safe from damage in the storage unit.

    • Foam sheets: Be sure to cut the sheets to match the size of your item before packing. Foam sheets are good for mirrors, glass tables, and other fragile items. 
    • Bubble wrap: Plastic packaging material in sheets containing numerous small air cushions designed to protect fragile goods or lessen impacts.
    • Blankets: Moving blankets are large coverings made of durable fabric, and they’re used to protect furniture and other items during transit.
    • Boxes: You can store disassembled furniture in boxes. Choose strong boxes and use the “H-method” to close them. For the most protection, apply tape across all of the boxes open seams. That will make an H-shape across the top and bottom of your box.

    If you don’t currently have something from this list, just remember you can always grab some of these supplies at the storage facility’s office

    STEP 2: Cleaning your Furniture

    Here we’ll go over the various items that you should consider cleaning prior to storing, and how to do so.

    Cleaning a Mattress
    1. Strip all bedding, duvets, and mattress protectors.
    2. Hoover the mattress to get rid of dust, dirt, and crumbs. Make sure you get both sides, as well as the seams.
    3. Remove stains with upholstery cleaner or a damp cloth and a bit of baking soda. Hoover up any baking soda residue that’s left behind.
    4. Allow the mattress to dry fully before packing.
    Cleaning a Sofa
    1. Check the sofa’s care tag for cleaning instructions. Some cleaning products may damage certain types of sofa fabric.
    2. Use a stiff bristle brush to scrape off crumbs and caked-on debris.

    If your sofa is leather, apply leather cleaner according to the package instructions. Buff out scratches using a soft cloth. For fabric sofas, sprinkle with baking soda and let it sit for at least an hour to eliminate odors and stains. Wipe off any cleaning products and baking soda before packing.

    Cleaning Wooden Furniture
    1. Wipe furniture with a damp cloth to remove dust.
    2. Remove debris with a soft towel and a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. You can also use mild dish soap. Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners as they can damage wood.
    3. Polish with furniture wax to prevent damage in storage.

    STEP 3: Disassembling your Furniture

    Disassembling furniture may seem like a hassle, but it’s the best way to maximize the space in your storage unit.

    Disassemble large items such as beds, chests of drawers, tables, wardrobes, and bookshelves. Pack items in marked boxes so you can easily find the pieces when it’s time to put things back together.

    STEP 4: Wrapping and Packaging your Furniture

    Now that all of your furniture is cleaned and dissembled, don’t let all that hard work go to waste. If you plan on getting a non-climate storage unit, don’t leave your furniture exposed. Moisture and heat can ruin your items over time. At many of our facilities we offer both climate-controlled and non-climate units, just make sure you decide that prior to preparing your furniture so you take the appropriate steps. 

    That being said, this step is only absolutely necessary if you get a non-climate controlled unit.

    • Wrap mattresses in a high-quality mattress storage bags.
    • Remove sofa cushions and put them in separate cloth bags. Wrap the base of the sofa with thick blankets.
    • Wrap dresser drawers in sheets of plastic wrap to keep them secure.
    • Wrap furniture in acid-free paper or heavy blankets, then cover it with a layer of bubble or plastic wrap. Pro tip: Never store wood furniture with plastic as the only protection. Condensation can build up between the plastic and wood, ruining your furniture.
    • Protect the surfaces of picture frames and mirrors with sheets of cardboard. Alternatively, remove pictures from their frames and store them in separate boxes. Use corner protectors on all corners of your frames. Wrap each item individually in towels or blankets.

    STEP 5: Packing Furniture in your Storage Unit

    Before you start packing items in your storage unit, it’s smart to have a plan so you can make the most of your space.

    • Cover the floor of the unit with plastic sheeting. This will help you move heavy items around more easily.
    • Don’t store furniture directly on the floor if the unit isn’t climate-controlled.
    • Start packing from the back and move forward. Keep furniture you’ll want to retrieve soonest closer to the front.
    • Pack to the left and right of the unit and leave an aisle to walk in, so you always have access to your things. 
    • Don’t stack heavy items on top of each other in an unstable manner. Furniture can fall over and get damaged or injure you.
    • Draw and label a map to know where each piece is.

    If you have anymore questions or want more tips regarding storage, visit our FAQ page or our Storage Tips page.  If you’re interested in renting at one of our locations, check out our locations directory to find convenient storing near you. 

    How to: Document Storage

    Paper, paper, paper, from TPS reports to Karens who require carbon copies. Paper is still alive and well in the age of technology. There is only so much office space with so much paper going around. Often businesses turn to self storage operations to help alleviate their need for space. Here are a few helpful hints for document storage.

    1-Recycle what’s not needed
    Before storing your documents, recycle the items that you don’t need. There is no reason to store unnecessary or duplicate records, no matter what Karen says.
    By eliminating what you are storing, you can cut down on the storage unit you need. Rather than having a large 10×10 storage, you can now fit all your documents in a small unit like a 5×10. So play it smart!

    2-Buy quality containers.
    First, the people who will be moving the documents to the storage unit will love you forever. Second, a quality container will enable them to store them all uniformly. We recommend an excellent banker’s box

    3-Label and date.
    There is nothing worse in personal or document storage than looking at a wall of boxes and not knowing what is inside. Take the time to plan out how you will store your documents. It is not the wild west. Carefully think and organize how you will do it. People will praise your name for years to come.
    After you have devised your master plan, make sure you label each box extremely carefully and clearly. Take time to do this with a sharpie marker or another method that won’t fall off over time.
    There’s nothing more demoralizing than staring at 20 blank boxes and having no idea what documents are where.
    To avoid a complete unpack, draw up a plan for what documents are going in what box. As you pack each box, write an inventory and attach it to the side.
    Try and keep the same labeling system going across all your boxes so other people can understand it too.

    4-Create order
    When you are finally ready to store your boxes, it might be tempting to toss them in and call it a day! Don’t let all your hard work be for nothing.
    Find the documents you are most likely to need and move them to an area that is easily accessible. The least likely box goes to the rear of the stack.
    Like any move, little things seem to go a lot smoother when you plan! Good luck with your move, and let us know how to help!

    Read more about our how-to in FAQ’s other Tips here!

    Pack up the clothes!

    Storing clothes in self storage can be a great storage solution. Using storage for your clothes can help free up needed storage space in your home.

    Self storage tips

    Whether you have a shopping obsession, too many clothes or you’re wanting to store your Summer clothes during Winter. Your wardrobe at home can only hold so much and sometimes you’re not ready to let go of certain items. So, why keep them stored at home taking up needed space when you can be storing clothes in self storage?

    Storing clothes in self storage can be a great storage solution. Using self storage for your clothes can help free up needed storage space in your home. And allows you to hold onto some items for longer whilst you decide whether you really need them or not. In addition, renting a self storage unit near you is the best way to go. That way you’re able to access your clothes whenever you want or need.

    Furthermore, storing clothes in a self storage unit is great. But, it’s important to know how to correctly store your clothes so that you can ensure they won’t get damaged over time. So, here are some great tips and tricks to help you with all your clothing storage needs!

    1. Prepare items before storing clothes in self storage

    Wash and iron your clothes before storing them in self storage. Surface stains and dirt will set into the clothing over time and when you do finally get them out of your storage unit to use again the stain will be difficult to remove. Dirty clothing can also attract vermin and insects which may also damage your clothing. Ensure you wash all items as per their washing instructions. As well as dry clean your dry cleanable items prior to storing them.

    Furthermore, follow these instructions when storing clothing in self storage to ensure your items are safe from being damaged. Preparing your clothes for storage correctly will also mean that your clothes are clean and ready to wear when needed next.

    2. To vacuum seal or not to vacuum seal

    There is a large range of storage bags available that are perfect for clothing storage. For example, vacuum storage bags are great space savers. However, over a long period of time storing your clothing in these bags will lead to damage.

    Storing your clothing in vacuum-packed bags will not only leave your clothing creased and wrinkled. But also quicken the process of deterioration as natural fibers need air to maintain its structure and integrity.

    A better way for storing clothes in self storage is to use plastic storage tubs. This will help to avoid suffocating your items. Ensure you lightly pack them and start with the heavier items on the bottom. In addition, if you need to purchase a storage tub head to your local hardware store.

    3. Say no to plastic bags and cardboard boxes

    Like mentioned above, airtight plastic containers with a lid are the best options when storing clothing in self storage. This will keep your clothes dry and stop the growth of mold and mildew, in most cases. If using plastic containers, ensure they are clean, dry and line them with old (but clean) cotton sheets. Avoid plastic bags as these can trap moisture and cause mildew to form or cause the yellowing of fabrics.

    In addition, packing your clothing in a cardboard storage box will not protect them against vermin or the elements. Your storage unit shouldn’t have pests, but it’s best to be safe than sorry.

    Again, depending on the expense and sentimental value of the item, it’s best to use acid-free boxes and tissue paper. Especially for heirloom items as not all plastic boxes are safe and some may release chemicals that could have subtle to grossly negative effects on the clothing.

    4. Mothballs

    Not only do mothballs leave your clothes smelling terrible, but they also are not 100% effective. They can also be potentially dangerous if found by children or pets. A better alternative is the natural wooden cedar balls. These will protect your clothing from moths, mildew, and musty odors. Therefore, when storing clothes in a self storage unit it is always best to add a few cedar balls.

    Furthermore, when using wooden cedar balls, make sure that they are not placed directly on the garments. It is best to place them at the top of your storage container for further protection.

    5. Clean, cool, dark and dry

    When choosing a storage unit for clothing storage, ensure you choose one that will protect your clothes in the best way possible. It’s best to choose a storage unit that is dry, dark and cool.

    Ideally it is suggested that clothing should be stored in conditions that do not exceed 80°F and have low humidity. However, this is more of a guideline if you were storing any heirlooms or expensive sentimental items. As long as the storage space is clean, protects items from elements and doesn’t have direct/bright light, your clothing should be safe.

    In addition, a climate-controlled storage unit would be the best option for long-term clothing storage.

    6. Check and do not protect!

    It’s important to check on your items in storage, wherever and whatever you are storing. Checking your items at least once a year you will help minimize the risk of them getting damaged. As well as possibly save them before they do get damaged. Items may fall from storage shelving or you may have packed something too heavy/tight. So, checking your storage unit often is important.